At Kern Heights, we’re always excited when new people worship with us. We hope you will join us soon for a service, and we want to make you visit as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.
Our Sunday morning 11:00 worship service is the highlight of our week. You will enjoy a mixture of praise and worship music from our music team, plus the occasional hymn. Pastor Bobby will preach a sermon that is Bible-based, applicable to life issues, and keeps your attention. We use our Sunday night 6:00 meeting time for a variety of different things - Bible study, movie night, training, musical guests, ministry inside and outside the church – just to name a few examples.
On Wednesday night during the school year we have TeamKID for ages 4 – 6th grade. TeamKID is a Bible club that meets from 6-7:30. It teaches kids the Bible and helps them memorize Scripture through games and other activities. We also have an active student ministry for teens that meets during this time, as well as adult Bible study. Wednesday nights are busy and offer a wide range of activities for everyone in the family.
Our church campus has 3 buildings. The old sanctuary is on the north end and is used mainly for Sunday school classes and teen/children activities. The middle building is our fellowship hall and also contains classrooms. Our newest and largest building is where we worship. Our campus is easy to navigate and our people will be happy to assist you in finding where you need to go.
We stand ready to help you with life issues but we won’t force ourselves upon you. You can visit and worship with us without having to worry about someone showing up at your house unannounced. When you are ready to move ahead we will come alongside you and help.